Founded in 1869


Home Up Officers Presidents etc

Last updated 18 July 2024
Your President for 2023/24 is Ashley Pearson 23-03-24

Track & Field Team Managers

Administrative Structure of the Club
Identify some of the Officers
Photos of Past Presidents and Vice Presidents


Blackheath & Bromley Harriers AC


Alan Pickering PP, Tim Soutar PP, Ian Young VP, David Appleton PP, Julie Asher-Smith VP,  Helga Pullin VP


President: Ashley Pearson
Immediate Past President: John Hubbard IPP
Chairman of Management Committee: Nick Brooks PP
Hon Secretary: Helga Pullin VP
Hon Treasurer: David Appleton PP
Hon Membership Secretary: Paul Shaw VP
Head of Finance: Stephen Hollingdale PP
Head of Active Athletics:
Head of Winter: Bob Cliff PP
Head of Track & Field: Mark Purser VP
Head of House & Social: Denis Lawrie PP
Head of Development: Tim Soutar PP
Head of Communications: Alice Platt VP
Other Committee Members: Paul Austridge VP, Maz Turner VP, Adrian Stocks VP
Existing Past Presidents of Blackheath Harriers: (to 2003) John R Baldwin (1975/6), Brian G Stone (1979/80), Derek L Gregory (1986/7), Alan M Pickering (1992/3), Steve H Cluney (1994/5), David White (1995/6), Mike J Mahoney (1997/8), Chris R Haines (1998/9), Mike Davies (2000/1), Mike L Peel (2001/2), Pat Calnan (2002/3)

Existing Past Presidents of Bromley AC: (to 2003) Joyce Hepher, Junior Field, Paul Jearum, Maureen Miller

Past Presidents of Blackheath & Bromley Harriers AC: John Robinson (2003/4), Margaret Baldwin (2004/5), Anne Cilia (2005/6), Ken Daniel (2006/7), Tim Soutar (2008/9), Alison Brand (2009/10), Richard Coe (2010/11), Denis Lawrie (2011/12), Steve Hollingdale (2012/13), Bob Cliff (2013/14), Dick Griffin (2014/15), Dave Cordell (2015/16), Bill Foster (2016/17), Nick Brooks (2017/18), Paul Byfield (2018/19), Julian Golding (2019/20), Nic Corry (2020/22), David Appleton (2022/23), John Hubbard (2023/24)

Existing Vice Presidents of Blackheath Harriers: John E Lindblom (1962), Richard J Edmonds (1969), Robert Richardson (1969), John Lissaman (1972), Barry M Shapcott (1973), Geoff R Last (1974), Frank C Rogers (1976), Jerry C W Friend (1977), Andy W Frankish (1979), Peter E Shepheard (1979), Peter C Hannell (1980), Mike A Winch (1981), Ian K Young (1982), Gordon Brooks (1986), Simon Parsons (1990), Jim Phelan (1990), Nigel Keogh (1991), Trevor Llewelyn (1991), John Wakeman (1993), Mark I L Watling (1993), Steve J Freemantle (1995), R Colin Poole (1995), Alan R Stevens (1995), Nick Nuttall (1997), John E Turner (1997), Peter Lester (1998), Bill Clapham (1999-2013), Mike J Cronin (1999), David Liston (2000), Roger A Michell (2000), Roger Counter (2002), Roy Smith (2002)

Vice Presidents of Blackheath & Bromley Harriers AC: John Blackie (2003 ex BAC), Ian Dibbens (2003 ex BAC), Hilary Gibbs (2003 ex BAC), David Taylor (2003 ex BH), Simon Tolson (2003 ex BH), Myrtle Augee (2004), Helen Godsell (2004), Simon Lloyd (2004), Anthony Pontifex (2004), Brian Power (2004), Nick Gasson (2005), Brendan McShane (2005), Paul Patten (2006), Michael Skinner (2006), Ray Gibson (2007), Richard Holt (2007), Mark Purser (2007), Bob Minting (2007), Costas Karageorghis (2008). Tom Phillips (2008), Terri Shotton (2008), Andy Tucker (2009), Roy Watkins (2009), Allan Williams (2009), Peter Lovell (2010), Steve Pairman (2010), Colin Rowe (2010), Paul Austridge (2011), Con Griffin (2011), Deniz Mehmed (2011), Wilf Orton (2012), Mick Jones (2013), Mike Sheppard (2013), Julie Asher-Smith (2014), Jane Bradshaw (2014), Alex Gibbins (2014, Richard Hall (2014), Dave McKinlay (2014), Tim Ayres (2015), Sheila Griffin (2015), Jackie Montgomery (2015), Adrian Stocks (2015), Maz Turner (2015), Claire Austridge (2016), Shaunagh  Brown (2016), Andy Rayner (2016), Karen Desborough (2017), Chris Hilditch (2017), Mark Steinle (2017), Jay Galley (2018), Clem Leon (2018), Rod Harrington (2019), Nick Swatton (2019), Dave King (2020), Peter Rogers (2020), Nigel Stickings (2020), Ian Firla (2021), Alice Platt  (2021), Holly Platt (2021), Roy Dickens (2022), Helga Pullin (2022), Paul Shaw (2022), Dina Asher-Smith (2023), David Carton (2023), Montell Douglas (2024), B Simpson (2024),

Active Athletics Track & Field Secretary: John Hubbard IPP
Cross-Country Secretary: Bob Cliff PP
Coaching Co-0rdinator: Roy Dickens VP
Officials Secretary (Summer): Mike Davies PP
Officials Secretary (Winter): Steve Hollingdale PP
Schools Liaison Officer: Paul Brash
Rankings Co-ordinator: Pat Calnan PP
Hon Track Handicapper: Vacant
Safeguarding officer: Claire Austridge VP
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS): Julie Asher-Smith VP
Hotel Booking Manager: Vacant
Tent: ?
Hon Cross-Country Handicapper: David Beadle
Chief Trail Layer: David Carton PP
Cross-Country Manager (Senior 1st Team): ?
Cross-Country Manager (Women): Vacant
Cross-Country Manager (Girls): Vacant
Cross-Country Manager (Boys): Vacant
London Marathon Co-ordinator:
Other Trophies Secretary: Vacant
300 Group Organiser: Anthony Pontifex VP
House & Social
Chair: Denis Lawrie PP
Hon Wine Treasurer: Dave Appleton PP
Wine Committee: Dave Appleton PP, Claire Austridge VP, Roger Counter VP, Dick Griffin PP, Sheila Griffin VP, Shirley Poole, Dave White PP, Colin Poole VP
Communications Gazette Team: Wilf Orton VP, Peter Rogers VP & Ozzie Austin
Courier Editor: Pat Calnan PP
Press & Publicity: Nick Brooks PP
Website: Mike Peel PP
Archivists: Pat Calnan PP; Brian E Boulton
Development Committee: Pat Calnan PP, Mike Davies PP, Ken Daniel PP
Sponsorship/Fund Raising Vacant
Auditors Club Accounts:  TBA
Wine Committee:
Peter C Hannell VP
300 Club:
David Appleton PP

Blackheath & Bromley Harriers AC


Age Group Name Email 
NAL (Men) Rod Harrington  
NAL (Women) Niamh Bridson Hubbard  
SAL Nick Swatton  
Masters Men John Turner  
Masters Women Maz Turner  
U17 & Junior Men Ian Firla  
U17 & Junior Women Tim Soutar  
U15 Boys 
Steve Starvis  
U15 Girls Karen Desborough  
Rose Bennett  
U13 Boys Paul Austridge  
Reynaldo Guevarra  
U13 Girls Karen Desborough  
Rose Bennett  


Which age group? Track and field age groups for 2024

Senior men and women – born before 1/1/04
                                                                                                                   School years

Under 20 men and women – born between 1/1/05 and 31/8/07              12 and 13

Under 17 men and women – born between 1/9/07 and 31/8/09              10 and 11

Under 15 boys and girls – born between 1/9/09 and 31/8/11                  8 and 9

Under 13 boys and girls – born between 1/9/11 and 31/8/13                    6 and 7

Masters – age on date of competition from 35 years upwards


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