Page 11 - B&BHAC Gazette Winter2013-14
P. 11
Athletics Report 9

to ight it out for local bragging Granieri, David Beadle, and
rights. After inishing third Neil Roberts also turned out
in the four man team last year for the team.
and second in the twelve man
team, we were hoping to push Kent Cross Country Champs
on but we struggled to ield 12 For the opening race of
men and inished in 5th place 2014, the club took teams to
behind Tonbridge, Medway Brockhill School in Folkestone
and Maidstone, Cambridge and for the Kent Cross Country
Dartford AC in the 4 scoring Championships. In typical
team, and came 8th in the 12 fashion, the rains which
scoring team. had been threatening all day
The races at Swanley Park, arrived ive minutes before
the start of the senior men’s
Somerhill School, Sparrows
Den, and Parkwood School, race to accompany the strong Danny Brewer
were a mixed bag with some winds from the nearby coast.
warm and irm whilst others Due to heavy rains during the (36), Dave McKinlay (38), Jon
were cold, muddy affairs but preceding week, the course was Vinter (60) and Nigel Bulmer
all were well supported by our heavily waterlogged in sections, (149) completed the team.
travelling army of spectators. which made the running very Unfortunately the weather and
Alex Gibbins was our only tough going. This was further acts of God such as the birth of
man to complete all four races complicated by the fact that Alex Gibbins’ son robbed us of
and by doing so he secured a stretch of the course ran a 12 scoring team, but we did
4th scorer overall in the league along the top of a slick and come third in the six scoring
this year. Will Ruiz put in sloping ield. The organisers team which we understand is
three creditable performances could not have a set a more our best result since 2008.
in his maiden senior year, but testing course. Only a fantastic
a recurring theme was that our performance from John Southern XC Champs
teams were overwhelmingly Gilbert of Kent AC prevented The South of England Cross
made up of veterans. Dave a win from Mike Skinner who Country Championship were
McKinlay, Jon Vinter, Andrew was close behind in second. run at Parliament Hill on 25th
Lawes, Richard Hall, and Alex Bruce-Littlewood ran January. Being a 15km toil, it
Nigel Bulmer all scored in fantastically to inish 4th after can often be undersubscribed
three matches and Andy spending over 24 hours in from the senior men but we
Rayner, Mark Ellison, Neil airports and on delayed lights were able to ield 13 and so
Ayrton, Andy Tucker, William from the USA, arriving on the compete in both the 6 and 12
Ruiz, Steven Pairman, Chris morning of the race. Danny scoring teams. The course was
Pike and Graham Coates ran Brewer (28) continued his an absolute quagmire and as
two matches each. Danny ine winter form and Gareth the runners were starting their
Brewer, Ben Cockburn, Evans ran one of his best inal lap, the heavens opened
Gareth Evans, Mark Watling, performances in a club vest and hail rained down. The club
Ian Montgomery, Richard to inish 33rd. Ross Braden tent even blew away, in what
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