Page 10 - B&BHAC Gazette Winter2013-14
P. 10

Senior Men Winter season 2013/14

Tonbridge dominance was men’s team inished in a
Always a strong suit in the synonymous with how they respectable 32nd position,
Club’s array of athletic talent would continue to perform our best result since 2010. A
the Senior Men once again throughout the season. For ine opening leg from Phil
came up trumps with a string of those who missed it, a detailed Sesemann set the tone for
ine performances from a pack analysis of the event by Adrian James Poole, Sam Barnes, Ben
of highly talented runners who Stocks crept into the Summer Harding, Andrew Rayner, and
were at their peak or enjoying 2013 Gazette. Peter Tucker to post solid times
an Indian summer of sustained despite several injury concerns.
good form. However this would Southern & National Road
sadly be the last winter in which Relays National XC Relays
they would be managed by that The following weekend saw In recent years when we
ace team of Alex Gibbins, the Southern Road Relay have been able to ield our
Rich Hall and Dave McKinlay Championships at Rushmore ‘galacticos’ we have been
and the seniors would be getting Arena, Aldershot. The club in or around the medals at
a new deal with new team and ielded two strong men’s teams the English National Cross
a re-shufle of personnel, with for the 6x 6km leg event with Country Relays at Berry Hill
new talent emerging and further the aim of qualifying for the Park, Mansield which this year
achievements being on the cards. National Championships in took place on 2nd November.
Although in the mud and slog October. The ‘A’ team of Colin We ielded two strong teams
the Kent League races, the Kent Norris, Ben Harding, Phillip but were only able to place 13th
and Southern Championships Sesemann, Andrew Rayner, and 48th respectively. The ‘A’
were no diamond league, the Sam Barnes and Peter Tucker team of Phil Sesemann, Ben
heart of the senior team, dug in all ran strongly to inish in Harding, Sam Barnes and Mike
and ran wholeheartedly for the 11th position, our best inish Skinner all put in consistent
club and their collective effort(s) since 2009. A very useful ‘B’ times but despite him inishing
paid off as Dave McKinlay team of Daniel Brewer, Fintan quickest B&B man of the
now reports. Parkinson, Sam Proctor, day, a hamstring injury for
Georges Vacharopoulos, Dan Mike hampered his run and
Will Bolton Relays Kennedy and Steve Cooper was perhaps the difference
between a top-10 inish. To put
The ‘winter’ season as usual inished in a respectable 46th the achievement into context
started off with the annual place, which made them the however, 157 teams inished
Will Bolton Memorial Relays 5th placed ‘B’ team. the senior men’s race and our
on Saturday 14th September. Having qualiied for the second team of Alex Gibbins,
As usual the fun team-centred National 6 Stage Road Relays Andy Rayner, Ross Braden and
4km sprint around Sparrows on 12th October, after an Daniel Kennedy was one of the
Den has been a useful absence the previous year, we top placing ‘B’ teams.
indicator for team managers hoped for a strong performance
of how many athletes have at the familiar venue of Kent League
summered, and how the local Sutton Park, Birmingham. In The Kent League is run over
opposition have been faring. what was a very competitive four separate weekends and is
As in recent seasons, early championships, the senior a chance for all the local teams
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