Page 32 - B&BHAC Gazette Winter2013-14
P. 32


mud for fun. I had an ok race
which I enjoyed rather than
raced well. I had a good battle
with a couple of Ranelagh lads
although we were soundly
beaten by Ranelagh in the
match. We beat them in the
cake consumption though. Steve Pairman, Andy Tucker, President Robert Cliff and Barry Wetherilt
The Achilles behaved and
even felt strong as a result of started off at different times Cup trophy. Large tea and
the mileage and the tough with a view to inishing all double donuts for me please.
cross country courses. I’m together. The handicapper (an The key to winning the Bennett
up to 3rd now in the Bennett ex mathematics professor) had Cup? How did I win this
Cup. calculated the handicaps over prestigious trophy following
Blackheath vs South London the 9 races which resulted in a the season of injury and poor
fairly close battle in the inal
Harriers mob match event. I had a good race and itness? Run every event – only
(15.3.14 – home) felt strong but lacking in pace. 7 of us did. Sadly we have all
7½ miles over hills and stiles Going into the race I was lying too few running these historic
although the course was more in 2nd place overall in the events. A shame because they
or less dry, amazing as it had points table, 3 points behind are excellent races. How many
been so badly looded only the leader, Barry Wetherilt. of us pay money to enter public
2 weeks before. I had a fairly With only 35 runners it was events around the country
good run, pushing myself but going to be dificult to make when we have such great ones
no more than 90%. I was 4th up the 4 minute advantage he of our own on our doorstep?
Blackheath home although we had on me plus take another Make next seasons Bennett’s
didn’t have a great turnout. We 3 places but as I reached Fox Cup your plan for the winter
lost. A good run in the sun. Hill, about a mile from the and support your club. You may
Sunday was the Spitire 20. So inish, I caught and passed surprise yourself how much you
a weekend of over 30 racing him. I inished 4 places in enjoy it and how beneicial it is
miles for a total week of 70+ front of him and had to wait to your running. And there’s
miles. All good training. The for the inal scoring to see if always the tea and cakes.
VLM looms. Graham Coates 3rd, Nigel Footnote: Following the full
B&BHAC closing 5m XC Bulmer 4th, and Steve Pairman Bennett Cup season I ran
the VLM in April and ran it
handicap (22.3.14) 5th places, had beaten me. well. Why? Because the cross
The inal club cross country Pleasingly I managed to win country races had given me the
race (shame) in our 9 races the overall championship by 1 strength, itness and positivity
series. The weather was point (385) with Steve Pairman to know I was capable of
excellent, if a little breezy, 2nd and Barry Wetherilt 3rd doing so. Forget your fancy
with a once soaked and muddy both on 384 points. There is marathon training plans. Buy
course now consisting of now a terrible mug shot of yourself some trail shoes.
various potholes, divots etc. yours truly on the B&BHAC
In true handicap style, we all website clutching the Bennett’s Andy Tucker
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