Page 32 - BBHAC Winter 2014-15 Gazette web
P. 32

30 Athletics Report

Continued                        Relays on the road
                                 and over the country

races got under way the going    L-R Genny Allan, Stephanie Taylor, Naomi Kingston, Millie Smith,
under foot soon became very      Yasmin Austridge and Grace Scopes
                                 South of England road relays   Kelsi Cornish and Yasmin
Two U13 girls making their       20th September 2014            Austridge. The B team of
Kent debuts and both having                                     Amy Leach, Millie Smith and
great runs were Emilie           BBHAC had 38 young             Stephanie Taylor were 25th
Penlington 26th and Jessica      athletes competing in the      and the C team were 56th led
Neal 43rd. The Kent team         South of England road relays   out by Grace Scopes, Darcey
were 5th. We also had two U13    in Aldershot on Saturday, a    Kirwan and Carlotta Weitzel.
boys running and Peter Guy       terrific number especially as
racing in typical determined     this clashed with the Kent     The U13 girls had two full
fashion finished a terrific 8th  track relays in Canterbury.    teams and a part team and the
place with Joseph Georgiadis                                    A team finished just outside
finishing strong in 22nd. The    The U17 girls had three        the top ten in 11th were made
Kent team were 4th.              teams competing and the        up of Emilie Penlington,
                                 A team came a fantastic        Lily Tappenden and Imogen
Henry Cowie started the          5th, Jess Keene, (3rd fastest  Meers. The B team of Jessica
U15 boys but in the bustle       individual), Leah Everson      Neal, Hanna O’Flynne and
of the start lost his spike and  and Kelsey Fuss (11th fastest  Morgan Sqiubb were 27th
lost too much ground on the      individual). The B team of     while Gracie Horton and Zoe
whole field and unfortunately    Shannon Riskey, Mary Guy       Austridge ran good individual
pulled out. Four BBHAC girls     and Joanna Clowes were 29th    legs but didn’t have a third
competed in the U15 race in      and the trio of Molly Dent,    runner to complete their team.
which Kent won the team          Natasha Hainsworth and
silver. Naomi Kingston was a     Jenny Sheasby were 40th.       The U13 boys, with four to
great 6th, Yasmin Austridge                                     a team, placed highest for
10th, Kelsi Cornish 26th and     The U15 girls also had three   the boys with a strong 14th
Genny Allen 42nd.                teams running and the A        position. This is a massive
                                 team were a strong 6th,        improvement on last year
The U17 girls also had four      made up of Naomi Kingston      when we had no teams
BB athletes in the Kent team     (11th fastest individual),
that finished 6th. Jess Keene
had a fantastic run coming a
strong 3rd. Georgina Taylor
was 50th, Charlotte Rhule
57th and Shannon Riskey
67th. The only Kent team
victory of the day involving
BB was the U17 boys and a
great run from Joss Barber in
17th helped to secure this win.

Paul Austridge
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