Page 41 - BBHAC Winter 2015-16 Gazette
P. 41

Obituary                            39

fixtures, run in mob matches,        Even as President Tony could still be regarded as an active athlete
help with activities and run at
the Norman Park Track, which         he sadly left it in 1997 for very  two priceless histories”. These
had then established itself as the   personal reasons which are best    were 1969 Centennial Club
club’s main track and field base.    left unmentioned. However in       History and the 1989 update.
He was open to new ideas and         2007 as a result of the death      This original undertaking was
wanted the club very much to         of Sydney Wooderson and his        done in collaboration with
project a positive, modern image     massive contribution to the        D.K. Saunders and in defiance
which belied its supposed old-       subsequent memorial service        of previously held opinions
fashioned-ness. He emphasized        he returned to the fold. His       that such a history could never
encouragement and integration        support with the preparations      be written. But “for better or
with the President as a focal        for the Memorial Service was       worse this has been achieved”
point for all progressive activity.  crucial to its success and led to  he commented in the forward
Even as President, having            the offer of Life Membership       to the first edition. This work
reached an age when other club       which he was delighted to          he believed was a history and
members might well have hung         accept. The Service was            not a simple record of events
up their running shoes, Tony         generally considered to be a       and performances. “We hope”
could still be regarded as an        successful and fitting tribute     he said “that it will be of
active athlete. In his year as Club  to the Club’s most famous          interest not only to members
President, he ran all the major      member and greatest ever           but to a wider public who may
CC races, including the Club 10.     ’Heathen. He rejoined having       see in our small affairs a vital
He was also a member of the          been offered Life Membership       fragment of social history”.
winning National Vets Over 50s       in 2008 and was presented with     Perhaps not so well known
Cross Country Team.                  his 50 year membership award       was that he was also a novelist.
In 1991 after his year of            in 2010. Having lost a son he      His novel ‘DODO’ contained
Presidential office he               and Christine presented the        in the words of an observer
handed over to Gary Botley.          Club with a trophy named after     “a fundamental symbolism,
Coincidentally Gary was the          that late son Robert Weeks-        inescapable, indicating care
last Club visitor to Tony in his     Pearson.                           for, and championing of an
farewell tour in March 2015.         Tony’s career was in teaching      endangered species.” Under
Graham remarked afterwards           and his academic abilities         his influence as President, and
that this was probably the last      were reflected in one of           at a time when Harrier clubs
time he would see Tony. It was       his greatest achievements,         were being looked on in the
a sad occasion as Tony really        the production of the Club         running boom of the 1980s as
didn’t recognise his visitor and     History. A comment in the          an anachronism, Blackheath
                                     1990 Club Gazette praised this     Harriers would be anything but
                     could not       achievement: “We are, above        an endangered species.
                     communicate     all, grateful to Tony for all the
                     in his          work that has gone into our                           Martyn Mitchell
                     usual and
                     Then after
                     many years
                     with the club
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