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30 Club News

Home Bennett Cup races

to move to Sundays soon

In a bid to stimulate the 9 There are plenty of good
event Bennett Cup season it reasons for doing this:
has been proposed to move as Numbers in races have
many events, where possible, fallen in recent years and we
from their traditional Saturday cannot claim to have fielded
afternoon slots to Sunday strong turnouts, particularly
Mornings. An opinion poll in the mob matches against
commissioned by the Club our traditional rivals such
has revealed a virtually as South London, Orion Saturday afternoons may also
unanimous desire by club and Ranelagh Harriers for not be the best time when
some years now. Races
members to run these events are harder to marshal and runners can give of their best.
on Sundays. However it does organise whilst more people Races being mainly morning
not mean that all Bennett are working on Saturdays or evening events, many of us
Cup events will now be staged again, and what with family can find the long wait until
on Sundays and some other commitments, and a greater the mid afternoon somewhat
clubs have preferred to keep interest in track and field vexing. After a morning of
chores, cleaning and shopping
their home mob matches on and triathlon, the continued and the tension of making
Saturdays but, subject to a staging of these events may one s way to the race venue
decision being made at the next seem to be in danger. on public transport or in
Executive Committee meeting, So moving these fixtures traffic, it is possible that the
the changes are expected to to Sunday mornings at runner may arrive at 1.30pm
be implemented next winter 10.30 makes inherent good or so in a highly tensed and
season for all home events. sense and is a necessary way aggravated mood, butterflies
forward. It could in the stomach, the innards all
transform these churned up. Not surprisingly
events and their post- many of us don t actually turn
race gatherings into in the performances we would
a more relaxed time with like to, and spend the first mile
people less under pressure of or so just trying to get the
time, able to come and enjoy willies out of our system.
the fun and fellowship that Maybe an earlier run with less
the club can offer. But also time to fret and worry would
for some the race can be done result in better performances
in the morning thus taking and faster times. It could also
up less of the day. The club allow for an extra run the day
10 miler is already substantial before or just a rest that day to
proof of this as it has been a result in greater freshness. By
Sunday event for several years moving to Sunday mornings
now (since autumn 2006) and and at the civilized time
other events such as the Will of 10.30am we can maybe
Bolton Memorial Relays and afford to many runners the
the Club 5 have also had the opportunity to really give of
odd Sunday staging. their best.
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