Page 20 - BBHAC Winter 2014-15 Gazette web
P. 20



real gutsy run from Callum        L-R Marco Arcuri, Aleksander Wiltshire, Joss Barber and Will Pope
Myatt finishing in 20th. Good
to see Oscar Hussey back          after feeling unwell.             to pull out with recurring
running over the country                                            knee problems but not before
despite having to juggle other    Seven U17 BB boys started         he had got muddy enough to
sporting commitments in           their 5.1km race and great        make it worth while.
25th, George Pope sprinting       runs from Joss Barber in
the home straight 27th,           6th and Marco in 7th along        The South of England Cross
Coleman Corry 28th sporting       with Alek Wiltshire 22nd          Country Championships
a fetching Blackheath &           and Will Pope in 27th help        24th January 2015
Bromley club hat! Lewis           secure the team bronze medal
Stickings 30th and Charlie        for Blackheath and Bromley.       The event, held at Brighton
Andrews 37th completed the        James Crawley had a difficult     this year, saw two of our young
BB results. Interesting to note   few minutes before his race       athlete age groups win team
that Angus, Henry, Callum,        after discovering that his        bronze medals and countless
George, Coleman, Lewis and        spikes had been accidentally      other great performances
Charlie are all still U15s next   taken home by someone with        from the 44 Blackheath and
year. As I say this is great for  a similar spike bag. Left in its  Bromley endurance athletes
the future.                       place was a brightly coloured     running. Despite the glorious
                                  pair of spikes 5 sizes too        sunshine, the temperature was
The U17 girls welcomed back       small! Joss Barber came to the    only just above freezing and
Niamh Bridson Hubbard to          rescue and selflessly offered     the very hilly course made for
the team after a long time        James his pair of clean dry       a tough day’s racing.
away through injury. Depite       trail shoes. James wore these
limited training and only a       and finished 28th. I didn’t       The U13 boys had most
few steady runs it was great      realise the scale of the gesture  athletes running and their
to see her set off with real      until I saw Joss after his race   large numbers were rewarded
determination and lead the        walking around in the now         by taking the team bronze.
Blackheath girls out. In form,    sodden trail shoes. A very        Peter Guy had another great
but not 100% well, Jessica        kind act. Bertie Harrington,      run and finished a fabulous
Keene just passed Niamh           having watched younger            7th place, well backed up by
in the run in but their great     brother Angus run earlier         a terrific run from Joseph
results won them team gold.       and anticipating watching         Georgiadis in 12th. Keir
The scoring three were            dad Rod run later finished        Lundy move nicely through
Jess 2nd behind National          just behind James in 29th.        the field to finish inside the
Champion Sabrina Sinha,           Charlie Davis started but had     top 50, in 49th and completing
Niamh 3rd and Kelsey Fuss                                           the scoring four was Robert
4th. They were well backed
up by great runs from Joanna
Clowes 8th, Georgina Taylor
10th and Mary Guy in 14th.
Shannon Riskey unfortunately
had to pull out during the race
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