Page 14 - BBHAC Winter 2014-15 Gazette web
P. 14


   Senior Ladies Cross Country 2014/15

      “We got cold, we got wet, we got muddy, but overall we had fun...”

  With a number of our senior        score, and a respectable 8th     Mr and Mrs Griffin after a long
  ladies out of action either        place in the 6-to-score.         shift on our cross country course
  through injury, working hard       We got cold, we got wet, we      organised event – fantastic
  at university, or having babies,   got muddy, but overall we had    marshals and spectators
  we knew that the cross country     fun...                           made for a great atmosphere,
  season this year would be a        The first fixture was held as    proving once again that the
  challenge.                         per usual at Swanley Park,       club knows how to put on
  So a massive thank you and         going round what is basically    a good show. It was perfect
  congratulations to all the ladies  a miniature railway, with        cross county weather, with
  that took part, even if you were   just enough up and down to       just the right amount of
  not able to compete in all the     ease us gently into the cross    drizzle and mud. Our ladies
  races your contribution made       country season. A heavy          turned up in mass and this
  a difference – Sarah Belaon,       downpour just before our         showed in the results –
  Carole Penlington, Sara            race meant that we had to        second on the 3-to-score and
  Elmsqvist, Danielle Critchley,     cut short the warm-up and        first on the 6-to-score. We
  Charlotte Stickings, Kristal       huddle under the B&B tent        were back in business!
  Galley, Anne Cilia, Melody         with the rest of the crew. This
  Kane, Rosie Ferguson, Abigail      did not dampened our spirits,    Swanley Park again
  Kingston, Claire Austridge,        as 10 ladies took to the field   February 7th 2015
  and Catherine Messent.             and we finished third on the     The final fixture was
Kent Cross Country League            3-to-score and second on         rescheduled and took place
Swanley Park                         6-to-score. A good start to      late in the season at Swanley
October 11th 2014                    the season.                      Park again. By then, everyone
We were only able to field a                                          was tired and poorly (blame
complete team of six runners         Sommerhill School                all those Mob Matches!) and
for two out of four events, but      October 25th 2014                we did not have a team until
we still finished an incredible      The next fixture at Somerhill,   the last minute. Three brave
2nd place overall in the 3-to-       featured its infamous “Let’s     ladies dragged themselves
                                     start on a hill” course. With    out of bed and took to the
Danielle Critchley, Charlotte        other events going on            start line. The route had
Stickings and Sara Elmsqvist         elsewhere, the team was thin     changed slightly from the first
take on Swanley Park                 on the ground and we were        fixture, with less going round
                                     only able to field 5 runners.    the railway and more going
                                     The B&B ladies rose to the       round the car park. We’re not
                                     challenge and finished a very    sure what happened but we
                                     respectable 6th place on the     somehow managed to come
                                     3-to-score. On the bright side,  first in the 3-to-score! Lets’
                                     it was a sunny day!

                                     Sparrows Den
                                     November 8th 2014
                                     The third fixture was on
                                     home ground at Sparrows
                                     Den. Now, we may be biased,
                                     but this was by far the best
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